Vienna Rat Haus

Our Vienna Pictorial   Time is flying fast and we’ve not updated our Vienna Yuletide BLOG.  To offer some basic insights into just what an amazing city is Vienna, I’m posting some of our ‘Best of’ Pictures for your perusal and enjoyment. CheersRead More →

Miles of Friends

Miles of Friends With the soulful music, pungent smells, and filigree iron railings lost in our rear view mirror, we sadly left the city; but were happy to not hear another imposition ‘Hey Mistah, I nose where’s yo got yo shoes at!?” NOLA, it’s another city to add to theRead More →

Galveston was Lovely We extended another day for the winds, clouds, rain, combing for shells and, of course, the endless beaches.  The surreal experience of riding bikes along the beach, dodging the shorebirds and incoming waves was only diluted by the disturbing crunch of seashells beneath the tires.  (Beaches  andRead More →

Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast The gale-force winds were kicken’, the temps dropped to 30 degrees. Our weather-beaten RV tossed and turned through another restless night. But, we made it to the coast, and the dramatic weather change just seemed ‘par for the course’ of our far reaching adventure to the Lower-48.Read More →

Painted Desert

Into the Cold and Snow My sister reminded me that many years back, we took a Family Vacation along Highway 40 with 3 irritated kids, a couple of upset dogs all jammed into the backseat of the family K-car. My sister’s memory of such painful experiences is legendary. I usuallyRead More →


San Francisco and South I left off with the last Blog in an unplanned RV park in Vacaville, Ca (Cow Town in Italian). Serendipity struck again! It turns out one of my old TF-160 buddies lives in the town and joined us for the evening for to enjoy Beer andRead More →

Further Inland Vineyard

Further Inland  We’ve moved inland….and the rain is following us. We’re cursed! Or, we just picked an unseasonable period to travel the Pacific Northwest. I guess after 5 months of drought and fire, the region is due for some moisture. That’s becoming more evident the further south we drive.  (FurtherRead More →

Gold Beach

Sun, Sand and Warmth Yesterday we hit the Trifecta: Sun, Sand, and Warmth….it took a week of nomading, but we found it. After leaving Cannon Beach (see VLOG), we decided to spend an austere two nights at a beachfront campground frolicking along a secluded beach and commune with nature. BadRead More →

Cannon Beach

RV Nomading to the Beach – Cannon Beach We safely made it out of Washington and through Portland….no riots, no demonstrations, no highway blockages….actually, all looked pretty normal…from the highway.  It looked like the weather was looking up… rain on this day – Yet! (Cannon Beach Nomading VLOG) Our escapeRead More →


We’ve started. 7 Nov. Success! We’ve threatened to hit road by RVing and visit friend for 3 years now! We’re doing it, finally. Two States, two visits and counting!  (Escaped and on our way! Short Note today to keep the Blog alive and capture a few experiences before we hitRead More →

Nomadilng the Lower-48

Heading South for the Winter We’re trading out Alaska’s Winter of snow and darkness for the Lower-48’s beaches and sun; this series of Blog/Vlogs will   capture our adventures along the way. (Nomading the Lower-48).  Enjoy The Summer of 2018 That Summer we purchased our own modern version of anRead More →

In February, just as the world started changing, we observed the crash from the beaches of Cabo San Lucas.  This Video is a tribute to lighter days behind us and better ahead of us.   (Z Cabo San Lucas Adventure ’20 VLOG)   Enjoy     Links Stunning images of ourRead More →

Northern Scicily

The view from our Vorarlberg, Austria apartment is stunning. We survey the Rhine valley below us, encircled by a cordon of mountaintops all covered in snow…… But, I’m getting way ahead of myself. The past 12 days have been so busy that I’ve neglected the Blog and will now attemptRead More →