Heading South for the Winter
We’re trading out Alaska’s Winter of snow and darkness for the Lower-48’s beaches and sun; this series of Blog/Vlogs will capture our adventures along the way. (Nomading the Lower-48). Enjoy
The Summer of 2018
That Summer we purchased our own modern version of an aged Conestoga Wagon, A Thor Freedom Elite 26 foot Class C Recreational Vehicle (RV). We picked it up in Indiana and sped across the continent, up through Canada and back to our home in Alaska. We rushed the trip as we were eager to be home after a 9 month absence in Europe, and places farther afield. But, we also intended on returning to the ‘Lower-48’ States to slothfully meander south of the snow line exploring one interesting site after the next.
For a variety of reasons, we didn’t make it out of Alaska that winter. Then Covid hit, and we didn’t make it out for the next few years!
Winter 2021 is the Year!

This year, our mobile exploration south of the Lower-48 snow line is going to be a reality. The wagon is mechanically fit, we have reservations to sail the RV from Anchorage to Tacoma (travel through Canada is still a bit of a hassle,,,, and snow is now dusting the road along the way), the house is prepared, neither of us have jobs that preclude extended absences – there’s nothing holding us back from creating a new adventure, a new Blog a new Vlog.
We’re still refining our intended route but the general outline follows closely to the draft map picture above. Key to the trip is that we plan not to rush in any direction. We’ll visit as much coastline and ocean as possible, stay south of the snow-line, visit friends and family. We plan to do more visiting and discovering than driving.
If you have recommendations on where to visit and explore…..and enjoy the sun and sand, we’d love to hear your comments below.
Update #1
‘2 Days and a wake-up’; the snow and rain and darkness will be an unfettered memory.
The RV made it to the Port of Anchorage just as the snow started falling and several uninhibited drivers launched into the ditches along the highway. We sped past one truck that crossed the road, crossed the median, and rested on its cab with its wheels splayed in the air, blocking oncoming traffic. It’s a pretty dreadful sight. Drivers in the re-routed, two-mile, congested single-lane line of cars did not look happy. Winter has arrived in South Central Alaska, and this is just the beginning of a long season of traffic jams.
The RV hand-off at the Port was swift, easy and professional. Tote Maritime loaded up our RV on its RO/RO (roll-on/roll-off) ship and it’s now halfway to Tacoma. In three days a friend will dump us off at the airport for our flight and escape to Seattle with our Little Girl (Azzuri) tucked away under the seat (she’s a cat!). The following day we recover the RV, and RON (remain overnight) at the American Lakes RV campground as we re-provision and reconfigure the rig for the upcoming adventure.

So far, so good! We’ve knocked out most of the ‘punch list’ of tasks to prepare for this trip, such as: home security and care, mobile Internet connection, membership with numerous RV clubs and programs, RV tune-up & service, and a few days of reservations under our feet until we get the hang of ‘winging’ our travel plan have no plan.
Typically on a trip like this, our final task is to say farewell to our friends as we leave them behind. But, as we’re now of the age where most of our friends are ‘Snow-Birds,’ they’ve already beaten us out the door and are already in warmer and lighter climes. The few that remain behind are readying themselves for their escapes later in the season.
So far, so good. Stay-tuned – more to follow.
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