Planing vs Realitly

When reality sets in  3 Dec 17 –  In the real world when planning knocks up against reality, reality usually winds up on top. So, it’s best to infuse your plans with a good dose of reality!  Planning vs Reality There’s an old phrase in the army that says thatRead More →


Birthday in Feldkirch We celebrated Ursula’s Birthday yesterday, in typical Austrian style.  Where that differs from typical American culture is that the Birthday Girl is the one who puts on her own party, cooks and prepares and provides everything…..and family and friends drop by to indulge and enjoy the BirthdayRead More →

learning German

Speaking the Language One of my goals while living in Vorarlberg is learning German, or learning it well enough to be fluent. Although I’ve lived in Germany, on and off, for ten years, the experience was spent in a protective cocoon of the English language and US culture. Time spentRead More →

Thanksgiving n Heidelberg

Traveling beyond Feldkirch Heidelberg, That’s the German town where American soldiers meet ‘green’ Austrians girls in Irish pubs,,,,and marry them. Al least that’s how it worked out for us. Going back to Heidelberg is a happy occasion to which we always eagerly look forward. Ursula’s touring company is having aRead More →

A day in Vorarlberg

More Vids  I still haven’t had a chance to sit down and catch up with all the events and activities since we arrived in Feldkirch.  But, I have taken a lot of pictures.  For this Blog edition I’ve put together a VLOG called ‘A day in Vorarlberg, a vid.’  It’sRead More →


A Year in Vorarlberg   A blog about an American guy and an Austrian gal taking a year off away from home to travel and explore Vorarlberg, Austria and all over Europe.  This blog will capture some of the adventures and challenges (and pictures) along the way;  cats in transport, learningRead More →