Nomading in Morocco

Nomading Morocco We woke up this morning in Fes, Morocco, and decided to stroll the Medina (Old Town). But before that, let’s cover some old ground.  Nomading Morocco. In November, I escaped the snow and darkness of Alaska by flying to Europe to meet Ursula to spend our “Snowbirding” daysRead More →

Antalgic Gait

Antalgic Gait ‘Observed mild antalgic gait” is what he documented.  Another doctor wrote, “I do think that these injuries potentially could lead to further disability for him.’ He was pretty prescient.    Antalgic gait, what is that?  Have you ever seen an old man walking with that side-to-side waddle, withRead More →

Final Thoughts

Nomading the Lower-48 Final Thoughts Five-thousand, eight hundred miles later, seven states, countless cities, towns, beaches, and days and days of the countryside, not to mention many old friendships rekindled, and it’s all over. This winter, the ‘Nomading the Lower-48’ Adventure is now a memory. We’re recovering from our travelsRead More →

Miles of Friends

Miles of Friends With the soulful music, pungent smells, and filigree iron railings lost in our rear view mirror, we sadly left the city; but were happy to not hear another imposition ‘Hey Mistah, I nose where’s yo got yo shoes at!?” NOLA, it’s another city to add to theRead More →

Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast The gale-force winds were kicken’, the temps dropped to 30 degrees. Our weather-beaten RV tossed and turned through another restless night. But, we made it to the coast, and the dramatic weather change just seemed ‘par for the course’ of our far reaching adventure to the Lower-48.Read More →

Bean Counting

Nomad Bean Counting When I had a professional life, I was a Logistician. My patronizing ‘Warrior’ Brethren would call me a ‘Bean Counter.’ I guess that’s the price one pays to be part of the strength behind the blade’s edge!  (Nomad Bean Counting) We’ve been on the Nomading road forRead More →

Painted Desert

Into the Cold and Snow My sister reminded me that many years back, we took a Family Vacation along Highway 40 with 3 irritated kids, a couple of upset dogs all jammed into the backseat of the family K-car. My sister’s memory of such painful experiences is legendary. I usuallyRead More →


Sandpiper Travels Sandpiper birds are perfectly evolved for their manner of living. They have these spindly, yet long graceful legs to assist them in wading into the surf while their prolonged, pointy beaks dig below the surf and sand in search of exciting morsels to digest. They make for enjoyableRead More →

Cannon Beach

RV Nomading to the Beach – Cannon Beach We safely made it out of Washington and through Portland….no riots, no demonstrations, no highway blockages….actually, all looked pretty normal…from the highway.  It looked like the weather was looking up… rain on this day – Yet! (Cannon Beach Nomading VLOG) Our escapeRead More →