Gun Ownership

‘To own or not to own’?   A review on gun ownership. In an acrimonious environment where aggrieved emotions and pent-up  frustrations influence our legislative processes and (un)civil discourse  over one of our more basic rights, attached is a self exploration on gun ownership for your examination.  This exploration considersRead More →


Symbiosis Critical elements to good leadership are confidence and competence. Confidence is easily discerned by those who follow. Employees will more willingly conform to their leaders influence when those leaders present a confident attitude about their business. A leader’s confidence is infectious. With a confident leader and confident staff, theirRead More →

RV Nomading

Afterthoughts We made it home a little worse for the wear. Our RV Nomading proof of concept adventure took us from Feldkirch to Frankfurt by car, from there, by air to Pittsburgh and up the highways to Granger Indiana. After recovering the RV from storage, we forayed across the country,Read More →

RVing Sites

Still Nomading Canada Sixteen August 2018 – A little before 0700, sitting in this quiet Whitehorse, Yukon RV park, collecting a few thoughts and additions for this “RV Nomading – A Quiet RV Morning” Blog before the circus begins. Quiet hours end at seven, the show kicks off in aRead More →

Lost in Canada

Lost in Canada, somewhere Time for a quick ‘catch-up’ so that when I do a brain-dump in the next few days, I’ll not have forgotten everything.  This  narrative will differ from most in that it’ll just be random bullet notes/impressions from the road!  RV Nomading – Lost in Canada TransportingRead More →

RV Nomading Day one

A New Adventure – Nomading I’ve decided to start the new RV Nomading Blog in mid-stream, already at a galloping pace. I’ll embed the preamble, introductory information in the text below over the next few days, so I can keep apace of this adventures’ turns of events. Day two ofRead More →

Vorarlberg in Retrograde

Reversing Directions All good things come to an end, and when planned properly, the end leads to the beginning of new and appealing opportunities. But, before getting to the next ‘good thing,’ we still have to finish the adventure in proper style. Year in Vorarlberg Retrograde! We’re about at theRead More →

Biking in the 'berg

Enjoying Summer’s Heat What do Biking, plumbers, and the World Cup have to do with each other…..not much other than these are the themes of my recent days while Ursula has been cavorting around Europe enjoying the sights with a tour group. She left the cats behind to provide meRead More →

Fishing in Vorarlberg

Gone Fishen’ It’s no secret that I enjoy fishing.  This is why I enjoyed our afternoon visiting a small lake outside of Feldkirch to learn more about Fishing in Vorarlberg.  To my fishing colleagues, equally apparent to my enjoyment of fishing is that I have limited skills and talents whenRead More →

Biking around the Bodensee

Three countries in three days What do Bergenz, Konstanz, and Lindau have in common?  They’re all beautiful historic towns filled with the classic sights and sounds a savory smells of Western Europe.  Plus, they’re also very common hopping on/off points to biking around the Bodensee (Lake Constance).   The BodenseeRead More →

Festing in Vorarlberg

The allure of enjoyment Thirty biked miles and three Fests later, it’s time to train home! It was a long and fun day. This past weekend, the first weekend of June, blew into Vorarlberg with a flurry of festivities – and we had to experience several of them. (Festing WeekendRead More →

Back in Vorarlberg

Back in Austria The YIV is back on! Lush green trees, azure skies, billowing white clouds and a splendid display of bright, happy colored flowers greeted me on the landing in Frankfurt. Far behind me now was the remote frozen lakes, grey skies, muddy roads and chill of the AlaskanRead More →

Poverty Insanity

The craziness congruity of insanity and poverty   Insanity, much like poverty is a self fulfilling cycle. Breaking from the cycle is illusory, without divine intervention manifest of aid either deeply internal to the soul, or competent and caring from without. Poverty One who lives without any means of support developsRead More →

Gloomy Waters

Gloomy Banishment I once went through a job interview where we applicants were required to tread water in the deep end of a pool for 20 minutes, while fully clothed. For most ‘swimmers,’ that wasn’t a big deal. If you weren’t much of a swimmer, but your muscles were inRead More →