Arriving in Feldkirch Video Log – it’s been a busy and fast few weeks with travels and dramas and events and fun…and all sorts other stuff. It hasn’t been a period filled with any blogging or reflecting….as the ‘here and now’ is too demanding. Soon, I plan to take the time to write a preamble for this blog to set it right; then follow up with a few short narratives about some of the details and challenges to trying to live a year in a foreign land…..and there are several.
Until then, I’ve crafted a video that captures a few of the sights and activities of the past few weeks. Regrettably, my video editing skills still need work so keep your fingers on the volume button and view with plenty of patience, as editing it to shorten the time, yet capture much, is very time consuming.
Enjoy if you will and comment if you wish.
Feldkirch 13 Nov 17
- Interested in the ‘Arriving in Feldkirch Video Log?’ Link here to our Year in Vorarlberg Series
- See our ‘Best of Photos’ from this a adventure and from the Rhein’s Lands
- Care to comment on the Blog or Adventure? Jot down your comments in the form below – thanks
Thanks for the mini vacation! I still miss living in Europe! Fortunately, I’m going on a cruise in December, starting in Rome and ending in Barcelona. Should be great. Hugs to you and Ursula for a wonderful holiday season.
Thanks for the comments Terri, the Euro cafes & pubs & trails and culture never seem to get old. Happy your able to make it back over this winter. Enjoy!
hey Darren,
just watched the video. Nice work! Looks like a great place to spend a year. I’m looking forward to your reports and videos of this adventure.
Say “Hi” to Ursula for me
Thanks Brian. Although we miss home, this place is a pretty good second best to spend time. Hope you are well and you guys are able to travel as well.