Vienna Rat Haus

Our Vienna Pictorial   Time is flying fast and we’ve not updated our Vienna Yuletide BLOG.  To offer some basic insights into just what an amazing city is Vienna, I’m posting some of our ‘Best of’ Pictures for your perusal and enjoyment. CheersRead More →

Final Thoughts

Nomading the Lower-48 Final Thoughts Five-thousand, eight hundred miles later, seven states, countless cities, towns, beaches, and days and days of the countryside, not to mention many old friendships rekindled, and it’s all over. This winter, the ‘Nomading the Lower-48’ Adventure is now a memory. We’re recovering from our travelsRead More →

Miles of Friends

Miles of Friends With the soulful music, pungent smells, and filigree iron railings lost in our rear view mirror, we sadly left the city; but were happy to not hear another imposition ‘Hey Mistah, I nose where’s yo got yo shoes at!?” NOLA, it’s another city to add to theRead More →

Galveston was Lovely We extended another day for the winds, clouds, rain, combing for shells and, of course, the endless beaches.  The surreal experience of riding bikes along the beach, dodging the shorebirds and incoming waves was only diluted by the disturbing crunch of seashells beneath the tires.  (Beaches  andRead More →

Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast The gale-force winds were kicken’, the temps dropped to 30 degrees. Our weather-beaten RV tossed and turned through another restless night. But, we made it to the coast, and the dramatic weather change just seemed ‘par for the course’ of our far reaching adventure to the Lower-48.Read More →

Bean Counting

Nomad Bean Counting When I had a professional life, I was a Logistician. My patronizing ‘Warrior’ Brethren would call me a ‘Bean Counter.’ I guess that’s the price one pays to be part of the strength behind the blade’s edge!  (Nomad Bean Counting) We’ve been on the Nomading road forRead More →