Zimmer Annual Holiday Newsletter 2020
Greetings from the little Cottage at Zimmer’s Landing. 2021 is right around the corner, So long 2020! (Zimmer annual holiday newsletter 2020)
Our year moved into full gear as we escaped Alaska’s winter darkness by lounging on a Cabo San Lucas beach with dear friends. I guess from under a beach umbrella with a margarita in hand while consuming the Sun’s vitamins is as good a place as any to watch our world change. Whale watching, visiting the original ‘Hotel California (in Todos Santos) and eating delicious, spicy foods was a pretty ironic way to observe the country’s economy, health and social relationships spiral into the abyss of discord. We made it back through SEATAC and into Alaska just as they announced the Nation’s first COVID’s death. What a dreary and gloomy way to start the year. But Mexico was cool!

Home Reno
With sufficient foresight to recognize our globetrotting aspirations would be put on hold, we began the long awaited and dreaded Home Renovation project. After tearing down half the house we rebuilt up from a new foundation. We squeezed a ‘two month’ project into eight and rediscovered that placing one’s serenity into the hands of others (contractors) is very stressful and a wonderful diet program (I lost 25 pounds).

While there are still a few remaining projects to complete, we’re delighted with the results. We now have a commanding perch over the lake and a 270º perspective of the lake, mountains and valley – a ‘million dollar view’! We’ve morphed the cold and darkened winter days into a much more enjoyable experience by capturing every available morsel of light beam and watching an endless stream of entertainment from activities on the lake below..not to mention Mz. Nature’s stunning sunrises and sunsets.
Sad Days
On a sad note, Ursula’s elder sister Suzi passed gently into the night. Because Ursula now holds dual-citizenship, she was able to fly (and safely return) to Austria for the funeral at the height of the summer pandemic and travel restrictions. We’re grateful we completed her US citizenship odyssey the previous year.
Our health (a common topic of those slipping into elder hood) is, by all standards, excellent! However, the aches and pains of living life at a frantic pace, is catching up. While we’re relatively free of meds, we note the onset effects of the wear and tear of time and need for extra attention towards maintaining one’s health. We’re learning, and relearning, that moderation is key! This is a hard accommodation to manage!
Change in Plans
Our winter plans, the RVing adventure throughout the ‘Lower-48’, were belayed. But, in spite of all the proclamations of ‘Danger’ we found ourselves in the hills of Montana searching for that perfect Elk in need of refrigeration. In spite of the Elk -1, Darren – 0 results on the scoreboard, it was another ‘Bucket List’, lifetime adventure. Additionally, we got to visit with my sister, her husband and son in their beautiful home in a green Montanan vale and visit the hills on horseback, laden with guns and whisky! What a trip!
Life in our little cottage overlooking the lake hasn’t been remarkably different under Covid than normal – ‘Social Distancing’ in a the Nation’s largest state with one of the smallest populations was the norm even before the ‘Plague’ visited our shores. In lieu of a busy social schedule we’ve focused on our hobbies and passions – art, photography, writing, working-out, wood-working, managing web pages, and oh, so many more….. Even along with the hectic construction schedule this year, we’ve had plenty of time to reflect on life and observe the absurdities of the realities within which we are all enmeshed. Regrettably, we’re no closer to understanding the meaning of it all, but we’re strapped-in and enjoying this roller-coaster of a ride. We hope your year was a safe, healthy and happy one (all things considered) and that 2021 brings forward your unrequited aspirations from this year. Be well!
Ursula and Darren
We wish you all the Merriest of Christmases and Happiest of New Years.

- Stunning images of our surrounding area are available through this link https://cottageatzimmerslanding.shootproof.com/gallery/8890147/
- Interested in experiencing our travels? Link to our travel blogs here https://zimmerslanding.com/zimmers-blogs/
- Need some ‘white products’ adorned with alluring images, visit our shop at https://www.redbubble.com/people/Zimmerdb/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown