Day 2 in Madrid

I really enjoy watching the euro cup soccer champion tournament, their talent and professionalism never ceases to amaze me. The two teams I cheer on to win are Bayern-Munchen and Barcelona; they usually do. The team I usually cheer to loose is Real Madrid, they usually don’t. So, there I was, in a bar in Madrid watching Bayern play Real Madrid on the big screen and mindful of not yelling out too obnoxiously when the plays favored Bayern. (Camino de Santiago Blog – Soccer in Madrid)
Speaking of obnoxious, the Leicester City fans were in town to watch their team play Atleticio-Madrid the same night. What a mess. I visited the Plaza Major and it was trashed. I’m guessing it was by the Liecester fans (hooligans) before they were chased from the square by the Spanish riot police.
It’s a pleasure to watch pros at work, I’m referring to the riot police, not the soccer players. As I rounded back by the Plaza I saw a squad of them arresting one of these guy, they performed admirably by taking care of their detainee while ensuring none of the drunk onlookers joined his dilemma.
Sometimes it’s refreshing to see good guys unemotionally and professionally take care of assholes. It was a pretty good day in Madrid, but regrettably Bayern lost as did Leicester City. It seems like an expensive trip to come to Madrid to see your team beaten on the pitch while you get beaten in the town square.
It’s all part of the Camino de Santiago Blog adventure
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