Ready to Go!

We’ve packed the bags, the tickets in hand and the cat/house sitters arrive in the morning; all is ready for our next adventure – a Fall Season in Bellissima Italia! And, so begins our Travel to Italy Blog.
By Wednesday, sometime Alaska time, we should be in La Spezia, teeing up a walk into the hills surrounding the Cinque Terre towns with some good friends from our Army days. Two weeks later we’ll spend a week bathing in the Neapolitan culture with visits to Vesuvius, Capri and Sorento, again, with some other good friends from our Army days (I’m seeing a pattern here!)
A Leisurely Travel Schedule
But, after this coordinated schedule, the itinerary goes blank. The following month we plan to discover a village, “off the beaten’ path,” that entices our interests and go there to investigate the food, the wines, culture and history…..until we’re bored or interested in another village. Slowly we’ll work our way down the boot and by the end of November will celebrate Ursula’s 26th Birthday in a villa on the Med just north of the city of Palermo, Sicily with more good (but not from the Army days) friends. Did I say 26? Well, something like that!
After Sicily, we’ll decide if we want to stay, or jump back to Austria for the Holiday, before getting evicted from the Shengen Zone around the end of Dec (90 day visa limitation!)
So, that’s the general plan, and that’s what we intend to Blog about: the sights, the foods, wines and the adventure. If you have a favorite “off the beaten’ path” Southern Italian village, share it with us and we my explore it.
Stay tuned on our website as we blog our way down Southern Italy and leave your comments if so motivate! Ciao!
- Interested in next Blog, this link will bring you to its beginning.
- See our ‘Best of Photos’ from the adventure here.
- Care to comment on the Blog or Adventure? Jot down your comments in the form below – thanks